Prior to your treatment you will have attended a consultation, during which all the pre-treatment recommendations would be given to you. Please disclose all medications you are taking. If you have forthcoming plans for any aesthetic or medical treatments please let us know. They probably won't affect anything but its good to be sure.
The PhotoClear treatment is non-invasive, and comes with a minimal period of downtime. You might experience localised, mild redness or swelling post-treatment. These side-effects are usually temporary and will resolve within a few days.
You will be provided with comprehensive aftercare after the treatment, based on your exact treatment. This may include the avoidence of waxing or laser treatments on the treated area. Not exfoliating the treated area is recommended. If you have any questions post-treatment please feel free to get in touch with us at the clinic.
Aesthetica Medical Limited is registered at Unit 3 The Gateway West, East Street, Leeds, England, LS9 8DA Company number 10523533. Copyright 2024 © Aesthetica Medical Limited